Thursday, June 8, 2017


Accomplishment Report on Arrest of Wanted Person
DAPITAN CITY - Be informed that on June 6, 2017, at about 11:00 o’clock in the morning, personnel of Dapitan CPS led by SPO1 Aldwin Tagbac –Warrant Server PNCO, conducted manhunt operation at Brgy Mibang, Dipolog City thru the BIN of Bgry. Carang, Dapitan City, and successfully arrested one JERIC ANDUS SARDAN, 19 years old, single, male and a resident of Purok Uno, Brgy. Carang, Dapitan City and listed in the Weekly Target Acquisition of wanted person of Dapitan CPS. Subject was arrested by virtue of Warrant of Arrest issued by Acting Presiding Judge Vittorio Dante D. Dalman of MTCC, 9th Judicial Region, Dapitan City for the crime of “SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURIES” docketed under Criminal Case No. 17986 dated May 26, 2017 with bail bond recommended amounting to Twelve Thousand Pesos (P12,000.00).Subject person now temporarily detained at Dapitan CPS detention cell for proper disposition. For information.

Accomplishment Report on the Arrest of Top 2 Most Wanted Person (Municipal Level)
POLANCO - Be informed that on or about 10:00 o’clock in the morning of June 6, 2017, personnel of Polanco MPS led by SPO2 Simeon Cayacap Wapelle Jr., in coordination with Leon B Postigo MPS led by PSINSP ISIDRO JUMUAD MALINAO-DCOP conducted Manhunt Operation against the Top 2 Most Wanted Person Municipal Level and included in target acquisition who is sighted at barangay Tiogan, Leon B. Postigo, ZN. Immediately, the team effect the warrant of arrest of said wanted person and arrested one AILYN ORONG y ABAN, 33 years old, Filipino, married, housekeeper/farmer and a resident of barangay Tiogan, Leon B. Postigo, virtue of warrant of arrest  dated January 18, 2016 issued by Presiding Judge, Hon. Cherry Joy C. Concha-Ageas of 9th Regional Trial Court Branch 10, Dipolog City,  charged for the crime of “QUALIFIED THEFT OF COCONUT”docketed in Criminal Case No. 20230 with bail of Forty Thousand Pesos (P40,000.00) for his Temporary Liberty. The accused was temporarily detained at Polanco MPS detention cell for proper disposition. For information.

Spot Report on Thief and Arrest of Suspect
SALUG - Be informed that at about 2:45 o’clock in the afternoon of June 6, 2017, Salug MPS received a phone call from Hon. Pedro Lihaylihay barangay Captain of Barangay Balakan, Salug, ZN informing that a thievery incident occurred at about 2:30 o’clock in the afternoon of same date  particularly at Purok 7 of said barangay wherein the suspect identified as LIBRADA LATASA DINGCONG, 45 years old together with her common-law husband certain ROGELIO MADALI @ NONOY, 50 years old, a resident of Sitio Lowaw, Barangay Sarawagan, Godod, ZN were  caught on the act (in flagrante Delicto) extracting sap from the rubber trees owned by the parents of Quinn AbilEnopia.Immediately, personnel of SalugMPS led by PO3 FelominoLubandinaMansanadez proceeded to the place of incident to verify and validate the report. Upon arrival at the area the suspect Librada Latasa Dingcongwas already held by the above-mentioned barangay captain with the assistance of Danilo Garayan the Chief barangay Tanod of said barangay and same was properly turn-over to the responding police officers including one (1) pc scythe being used by the suspect in extracting sap from the rubber trees and one (1) pc sharp bolo with wooden scabbard. While the other suspect named Rogelio Madali @ Nonoy was able to evade arrest and still remain at large. Arrested suspect was brought to Liloy Integrated Health District Hospital for physical/medical examination and for proper disposition. Investigator On-Case–SPO1 Ricky O. Acas with contact numbers: 0906-679-2084. Progress report will follow.

Report on Mauling Incident and Arrest of Suspect
LEON B. POSTIGO - Be informed that at about 12:03 noon of June 6, 2017, Leon B Postigo MPS received a cellphone call from a concerned citizen that a commotion transpired at Barangay Poblacion, Leon B Postigo, ZDN. Immediately at about 12:08 noon of same date personnel of said police station led by PI ISIDRO JUMUAD MALINAO-DCOP proceeded at said Barangay to verify the report and successfully arrested one WILMAR EBALLAR y DOYOGAN, 20 years old, married, Habal-habal driver and a resident of Poblacion, Leon B Postigo, ZN, caught on the act got wild and mauled one DAYLYN EBALLAR y ASENTISTA, 30 years old, female, Filipino, married and a resident of same place. Immediately subject person was arrested and was informed the nature of his arrest and brought to Sindangan District hospital for medical examination and subsequently detained at Leon B Postigo MPS for proper disposition. For information.

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